Welcome to the World Of Occult! - Happiness through vedic science!


Interpretation of your Birth Chart through Planets, Signs, Houses, Constellations, Conjuctions, Aspects & Mahadasha. To generate your horoscope astrologers requires - Your Date of birth, Time of birth & Place of birth.


Numerology is a study of numbers. Numerologist take your Date of birth & Full Name into consideration for a precise reading of your Lucky Numbers, Lucky Name etc.


Tarot Card Reading is formulated using the energy of cards, each card has its own meaning. Tarot card readers consider your energy, your particular question vibe & cards energy for generating answers to your questions.


Crystals works perfectly to heal your soul, body, mind & energy. They work maginificently with their colour & healing properties. Crystal Healer guides you with proper Crystals to cleanse any kind of Chakra Energy Disbalance in you.